Fiduciary Management Technologies, Inc.
One Capitol Mall, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA  95814

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Fiduciary Management Technologies principals provide professional fiduciary services to a wide variety of consumers: from the very vulnerable of our society, the elderly and those who need assistance in making sound day to day financial and health care decisions, to acting as a Trustee and carrying out the terms of a special needs trust, living trust or administering a decedent’s estate. We may be court appointed or hired privately and act as a trustee, personal estate representative, conservator or guardian.

FMT’s professionals will act as an advocate for families dealing with health care providers, caregivers, and attorneys involved with the care of their loved ones when family members can no longer handle the pressure of these health and financial decisions or when they may be separated geographically.

Private Professional Fiduciaries offer a number of advantages over a Corporate Fiduciary such as a bank trustee. We are trained and experienced and will:

  • Be available and capable of acting quickly when unexpected events occur.

  • Be the person who regularly handles the case day to day needs.

  • Identify and secure investment opportunities, health care choices and products through a wide range of resources not bound by corporate ties.

  • Act as a neutral, third party when a family controversy arises.

Since January 1, 2008 Professional Fiduciaries in the state of California must be licensed through the California Department of Consumer Affairs. FMT’s principal, Marilyn Bessey, is a California licensed fiduciary, license number 273. Marilyn is also a member of the Professional Fiduciary Association of California, serving on the Northern California Regional Board of Directors and as Chapter Representative for the Sacramento Region.